Be A Viking

 "Be a Viking." It's time for another serious sandwich. It's a big one, but very tasty and loaded with onions and hot sauce and extra meat. I recently discovered another new podcast (yeah because that's what I need, more things to listen to) and the episode I clicked on was badass. The podcast is called The Delingpod and can be found on whichever podcast app you use, but I downloaded it and saved it in my pCloud account and will post links to it below. Here's a rundown of some of the topics discussed by the guest named Francis Hunt (the market sniper):

0:00 - guest intro and background

06:00 - boom, he takes off like a rocket

12:00 - hegelian dialectic

14:00 - eugenics and depopulation, labor demand vs automation

17:00 - debt balloon, crypto market, optimism vs. pessimism

19:00 - global technocratic slavery and information prison paradigm, oligarchy tech surveillance, internet of things, AI monitoring and manipulation, metadata = dandruff DNA

24:00 - global communism and Bolshevik revolution, capitalism sabotaged

25:50 - "beware of the man who wants to save the world; he secretly wishes to rule it"

30:00 - debt bubble, assets and commodities, inflation

33:00 - euro crash market prediction, oil to single digit prediction, cruise ship market decline = covid foreshadow

39:00 - the elite vs the sheep, vaccines, lockdowns, psychological warfare, excommunication from society

47:30 - 10 stages of genocide

1) classification (divide the people)

2) symbolization

3) discrimination

4) dehumanization

5) organization

6) preparation

7) polarization

8) persecution

9) extermination

10) government denial of crime

52:00 - crypto negative analysis, NSA precursor paper to Bitcoin white paper, trick the libertarians and freedom fighters, blockchain is an open source lifetime permanent ledger, a bankster's wet dream, cash killer

1:07:20 - great reset, cash becomes digital central bank tokens, universal basic income rollout, debt jubilee or zeroed

1:09:00 - self reliance and preparation, know their plans, avoid cities, police = Nuremberg.. just doing their job


1:14:20 - Information Industrial Complex

1:15:30 - Trump and Q Anon bubble burst


With gorilla gone, is there hope for man? I don't know. Anxiety and despair is everywhere and no wonder why. The flies have found the pudding. Are we having fun yet? Okay, here are the links to the podcast episode. One is audio mp3 and the other is mp4 vid format with a still pic to look at for an hour and half:

Francis Hunt (the market sniper) mp3

Francis Hunt (the market sniper) mp4

Bonus content below.

Here's the NSA document that preceded the Bitcoin white paper by nearly a decade: Bitcoin precursor. Think about the importance of what this means. It means Bitcoin was not a public, decentralized response to a corrupt banking institution. If true, it means Bitcoin was premeditated and rolled out by the very same banking cartel that has been controlling, manipulationg and dominating society ever since their existence. In other words, crypto isn't our salvation.

Okay, moving on.

The two men in the podcast were very adamant about their unwillingness to take this new, untested, experimental jab that's being hoisted upon the world due to Sars/Cov2 and I share in their hesitation. I've always been conscious of the garbage that I allow into my body by reading the ingredients of everything I eat. And in the case with food, at least it passes through the digestive system and gets broken down before entering the rest of the body. For example, if you swallow a vitamin pill and you think you've done something wonderful for yourself, well sorta. Much of it's benefit gets destroyed and lost before ever reaching your blood stream. But vaccines, on the other hand, are injected straight into your blood stream and can even pass through the blood brain barrier, and yet have you ever read the ingredients label? Do you ask your doctor? Do you have that discussion? Or do you blindly trust the same institutions that treat cancer with cancer causing chemicals instead of focusing on dietary life changes? Or the use of a toxic heavy metal (mercury) to fill holes in teeth? Or prescribe pills with a list of side-effects that sound worse than the ailment? No thanks, I want no part in this experiment on humanity. I will take my chances with the actual virus the same way I've done with all the other invisible nasties we humans may or may not come in contact with throughout life. The flu, for example. I've taken a total of ZERO flu shots and have only had the flu twice in my entire life. I'm good with that. 

There are many very smart scientists and virologists on earth who are voicing their concerns, but these people do so under the threat of losing their jobs and destroying their reputations because they are going against the mainstream narrative. Think about that for a minute. When you turn on your TV you are seeing one side of everything. A very specific side that is intricately crafted much like that of a wizard spell. Anything that goes against what you see on TV is automatically demonized. They have forced out debate and successfully squelched dissent. Does this not scare the shit out of you? It does me. Here's a small six minute video clip of what a dissenting opinion looks like. You will never see this on mainstream news, so please, just watch it:

SARS/COV2 Vaccine explained


PCR vs Rapid Antigen


Vaccine Passports (Dr Mike Yeadon)


Should You Trust Big Pharma With Your Life?

In summary, taking a vaccine of any kind should always be personal choice, but it's becoming increasingly clear it's not going to remain that way. The "my body my choice" tagline only works when you want to terminate unborn life. In paying attention to news and current events and legislation (Oregon OSHA proposed employer covid policy) I realize my days are numbered. The push to vaccinate every human, whether directly or indirectly, is very apparent. That's game over for me. It's the line in the sand I will not cross and it was my number one worry and concern from the very beginning of the mainstream media televised pandemic. I'd rather die with full faculties while hiding beneath a bridge and writing about it than live in a society that forces me to inject myself to be part of it. You do you, boo, and leave me the hell alone.




I'll close out this blog entry with a poem I wrote since poetry seems to be my favorite method of expression. Oh, by the way, I'm currently in the process of publishing my entire body of work. Every poem I've written over the past fifteen years will be available for purchase in paperback form via Amazon and where-the-hell ever people do their shopping these days. More on that after it's all done. Here's the poem:

Scars Upon Stars

I try to perceive what little
there is left;
what fragment of faith resides
in a human soul
that can sacrifice itself
so easily.

There will be a collapse soon;
a quieting of lips.
Followed by seven years
of pansexual popping.
And then.. silence.

Two bricks breaking underwater.

Molecules and single cell stuff
mating with seaweed,
but this time will be different!
This time, we shall crawl
from the muck
and into the arms of A.Intel.Egencia!

Where God will be waiting
to erase the next new nightmare.
