The Damn Pandemic

So here we are, all of humanity sheltering in place and social distancing on a level unthunk of before The Virus. I never thought I'd long for the days when humans used to ignore one another by sitting across from each other with cell phones and never looking up. Now we hide behind face masks, latex gloves, Plexiglas partitions and practically run the other way when someone approaches. Meanwhile, majority of people are out of work, trapped at home, filled with anxiety and stress caused by unexpected homeschooling, unpaid bills, and uncertainty of the future and the economy. On top of all that, we fear an invisible enemy that could make us sick or worse, kill us. It feels as though we are stuck in a horror film that we cannot turn off.

I know I don't talk much. Heck, I've been social distancing practically my entire life, even more-so now that I became a truck driver. Those of you that know me know how much I hate Facebook and social media, yet here I am writing this post. Why? Because I want to share a whole bunch of stuff that will help explain why I posted that last thing. After posting it I told myself that if just one person asks "why" that I would do a follow up post. Honestly, I was hoping nobody would care and I could just continue trucking and keep to myself, but one of you wanted more info and so here it is. Why did I list those people as enemies of the state? Well, because I honestly feel that way and I'm not alone in that regard. I've been trying to decide how to convey all my collected thoughts and information here in this post without turning it into a forever long thing to read, but quite honestly, I don't see how I can avoid it, so I think instead what I will do is link to a whole bunch of source material that I often turn to for news and current events and information. I never rely on mainstream corporate media. They sold out long ago and no longer keep government in check; they lie and intentionally misinform their viewers at nearly every turn. In a crisis as dire as this, mis(dis)information could mean death to people and that is not okay with me. I know it's tedious to navigate alternative media found on the internet and I'm well aware that it too, has problems of its own, but at least we still have other options and alternative avenues to explore and voices of citizen journalists and researchers that are doing their best to tell a side of things that mainstream dares not do. My only goal with this post is to share sources of information with those of you who are interested. I ain't trying to change hearts and minds or convert a lefty to a righty or create a God believer out of an atheist or turn fiat currency into gold. I merely want ya'll to have a glimpse at some shows I've watched or podcasts I've listened to or channels I subscribe to. That's it, nothing more.

Haha, I know right? And that's not even all of it! Crazy shit, I know. I'm a trucker now and I don't get to eat very healthy or exercise enough and my body looks and feels the part, but I still understand the importance of trying to maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Taking all these vitamins and minerals is kind of sucky. When I lived in Oregon I used to juice my veggies and make tasty green smoothies, but those days are gone. Now I have to do it the un-fun way, but it's important to me, so I do it. And this finally brings me to the reason I'm posting on Facebook. While watching the Presidential briefings I noticed a disturbing and recurring theme from the corona virus task force which is also being mouthed by every talking head on the news: the only solution to our current life and death dilemma is a pharmaceutical vaccine. Anything outside that realm of thought is being touted as "conspiracy" or "snake oil medicine" etc. Nothing is being said about pumping up the immune system and letting the body's amazing ability to help aid the fight against this virus, just vaccine talk and ventilators. My goodness, they're not even encouraging us to go outside in our yards and soak up vitamin d from the sun! Yikes.

This is where I will stop typing words and start adding links to a whole bunch of stuff for you to watch or listen to. It's gonna be a lot, sorry. I'll start off with an hour long podcast I just listened to and move on from there. I love and care about ya'll very much and I want everyone to be healthy and happy and I have faith that we will eventually get through this, but we are being attacked by more than just a virus and I want to share some things now that you will never hear on television. The news channels are your enemy. They will drive their viewers right off a cliff and cover the story as an "accident" or "tragedy" during the evening news. They have become a larger threat to democracy than government itself.

Starting off, Polly is a citizen researcher from Canada who has been doing great work investigating the network of money, power and influence that make up the corona virus task force. Her entire channel is great, but here's one that spotlights Anthony Fauci and Tedros Adhanom:

Nevermind, the VIDEO is DELETED and her entire YouTube Channel has been pulled down due to censorship from communist leaning technocrats.

I don't have any of the links uploaded here, so for now, visit my other page to watch video links:
