Cinema Sunday

Apparently I like alliteration. First it was Saturday Song Salute, now I bring you Cinema Sunday, a new section of my blog where I'll share my thoughts on certain films I enjoy. For this entry I've chosen the movie: Catfish.
The gist of it: A young female Michigan artist discovers a NYC photographer and begins painting his photographs. Eventually they become Facebook friends, and from there the photographer also becomes acquainted with the rest of her family (via Internet) and a relationship develops between them all.

Why I like it: This is one of those films that needs to be watched knowing very little going in. Seriously, do not read any reviews or ask others if they have seen it and why they like it, because you don't want to have this one spoiled for you. It truly is a unique experience, a documentary that dives deeply into the human psyche. I've introduced this film to many people and I've watched it several times now, and each viewing is still a remarkable head trip that leaves me shocked by its conclusion. Catfish is one of those movies that sticks with you for awhile and makes you want to discuss it right away with others who already saw it. It's a good one, go watch it!


  1. I have also shared this movie with many people. Not a disappointed viewer in the bunch Yet!
    I'm waiting for Testicle Tuesday, where you post the creme de la photocock creme ;)

  2. Ha! Why the heck haven't I done that yet? We have SO many ;)


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